Looking for a great apprentice in the busy period coming up?

Looking for a great apprentice in the busy period coming up?

We are now entering the busy end of the year for acquiring apprentices, with the relaxing of COVID-19 restrictions hopefully leading to more opportunities. There are some great candidates out there looking for apprenticeships, including school leavers and pre-vocational students.

Finding quality candidates is often challenging for many employers and choosing the right person can be like taking a stab in the dark. Our rigorous selection process and the way we manage our apprentices and trainees once they are employed is designed to ensure you get a great return – a placement that delivers productivity.

Our systems are designed with productivity in mind. Exclusive features include our e-payroll and billing system, online training, the quantity and quality of visits by our ETCs and identification of ‘at risk’ apprentices. Our approach to WHS and training management means a stress-free experience for apprentices and hosts alike.

How we do this:

  • We thoroughly assess candidates and only select capable, ‘work ready’ and determined people for you to see;
  • We match each candidate’s capabilities and career goals to your business and to your industry sector; and
  • We manage the whole apprenticeship process for you from start to finish, including advertising, screening, interviews, testing, medicals, training and mentoring.

Ai Group ATC is an efficient alternative to directly employing apprentices and trainees and we pride ourselves on going beyond what is expected of apprentice management services.

In Queensland, please call Paul Eames on 0447 686 084 to organise a visit to your company.