Degree-Level Apprenticeships

Degree apprenticeships work like any other apprenticeship. You are employed for a nominal term to work under experts in the field to learn a trade and complete a qualification. The difference is the qualification is a university degree and the trade is a profession.

Employers can benefit through gaining access to a more diverse group of future graduates, and having the opportunity to help shape your apprentice’s development and job readiness.

Apprentices can benefit by being paid to learn, by seeing at first hand how practitioners operate, and by building their resumes and networks from day one.

Degree level apprenticeships are available across a range of occupations in three states.

Aged Care Trainee Program

Ai Group Apprentice & Trainee Centre have partnered with WomenCan Australia to create opportunities for employment in Aged Care.

These trainee positions are an ideal way to start your career in the aged care and supportive services sector.
Trainees will receive amazing support and care throughout their training to ensure they are equipped with the skills and knowledge to have a highly rewarding career.

    Victorian Manufacturing Skills

    The Australian Industry Group is managing a project funded by State Government aimed at increasing the number of entry level engineering opportunities for candidates in priority cohorts

    The program will consist of some upfront pre-employment training, which includes Employability skills, and Technical skills – mechanical or fabrication.

    This training is completely paid for and will take around 3-4 weeks to complete.