The Ai Group Centre For Education & Training is partnering with industry and the Victorian Government to create an electrical dual qualification. This combines the A Grade Electrotechnology Apprenticeship and the Bachelor of Electrical Engineering degree. The apprenticeship is completed within four years and the final portion of the degree in the following two years, within a combined duration of six years. The combination will provide candidates with multiple qualifications and certifications. Businesses will benefit from a practically skilled tradesperson with advanced system understanding.

This will address a gap in the skills market identified by industry.  Modern control systems in sophisticated industry applications have outpaced the current trade knowledge but the engineering staff who understand the systems are unlicenced to physically work on them.  The outcome will be a certified A Grade electrician with advanced STEM knowledge who is able to design, install, commission and maintain these advanced systems.


To be eligible to join this program you must:

  • Be an Australian citizen and based in the Melbourne metro region.
  • Have completed year 12, minimum score 20 in units 3&4 for Maths Methods or Specialist and English.
  • Have achieved an ATAR of 60 (those in year 12 may apply contingent on final results).
  • Be employed by a suitable company that meets the apprenticeship and engineering requirements.

For Candidates

Commence an apprenticeship combined with advanced education studies to achieve an outcome that would otherwise take up to eight years.


  • Earn while you learn, be paid to study and achieve your goals.
  • Apprenticeship paid by government funding.
  • HECS will be applicable to the Bachelor portion of the program.
  • Gain valuable practical experience while applying your knowledge in the workplace.
  • Obtain the Certificate III electrotechnology qualification (UEE30820).
  • Receive the A Grade Electrician certification upon passing the exam, awarded by Energy Safe Victoria.
  • Obtain a Bachelor of Electrical Engineering degree overseen by Engineers Australia.
  • Achieve all this within a reduced duration compared to separate study plans.

For Employers

Employ an apprentice within the known apprenticeship framework but reap the benefits of the practical skills combined with advanced knowledge.


  • Gain an employee with advanced STEM knowledge and ability to apply it in the workplace.
  • Create a pipeline of talent for your business.
  • Benefit from staff with the ability to work in various aspects and applications of the business.
  • Obtain these combined benefits within a reduced period.