Apprentice of the Month: October 2022

Our Trainee of the Month for October is Sophie Payne!

Sophie commenced a traineeship in Business Administration in March 2022 and joined the team at Lendlease in Adelaide.

According to Sophie’s supervisor at Lendlease – Jacqueline Meaney (pictured below left), “Sophie is an extremely well-liked and respected member of our team who is always readily happy to support colleagues with day-to-day business needs in a helpful and friendly manner. She immediately demonstrated a keen desire to learn her core role functions and has taken on all tasks enthusiastically.” Sophie has also demonstrated being a quick learner, progressing through the online learning component of her traineeship efficiently and without compromise. 

Sophie’s ability to thoroughly understand policies and processes has already provided Lendlease with the opportunity to progress her role within their business. She will shortly transition from corporate head office to a project site office where she will join a small focus driven team.  Sophie will also provide a critical support function to Lendlease’s commercial team where her keen attention to detail will be key.

Jacqueline added: “We look forward to Sophie’s career at Lendlease continuing to shine!”

Sophie has also demonstrated amazing feats with her studies being nominated in the Australian College Student of the Month Awards for the subject: ‘Effective Work Practices’ through her training provider – Australian College of Commerce and Management. Sophie has advanced through her studies with ease and is showing great signs to further develop her skills post traineeship.

Well done Sophie, We are all extremely proud of your efforts and all the best in your career!

Our Host
