Safety Talk Newsletter – Issue 2 : Are you taking unnecessary risks?

Risk taking can be simply defined as consciously or non-consciously controlled behaviour with a perceived uncertainty about the outcome.

Some examples of risks below:

At Work:

  • Not wearing correct PPE
  • Being at work affected by drugs or alcohol
  • Conducting tasks knowing it is unsafe to do so
  • Conducting tasks that you are not trained and/or licenced in
  • Working on unguarded machinery
  • Not asking questions
  • Skylarking

Out of work:

  • Drinking excessively
  • Taking drugs
  • Unprotected sex
  • Drink Driving
  • Extreme sports
  • Dangerous activities due to peer pressure

What could happen to you?

  • Being injured or injuring a workmate
  • Losing your job
  • Financial loss
  • Mental health issues
  • Losing or hurting your family and friends

Think Safe, Be Safe, Leave Safe.

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